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㈠ 假如你是李華,你的英國筆友Lily吃減肥葯請你用英語在微博上為她留言,提出吃減肥葯的壞處

Lose weight like this. I have good health, later again and again to lose weight, and now the spleen and stomach is not good, often have loose bowels, Chinese medicine said my spleen. I think you and I almost. As for stand up giddy, there may be hypoglycemia, may also is orthostatic hypotension, just know to check. Normal people sit long, stand up suddenly will faint
Self is the only way to conditioning now, adjust dietary structure, the spleen and stomach, proper exercise

㈡ The Journal of Emergency Medicine怎麼樣

The Journal of Emergency Medicine

㈢ 被拒了之後編輯推薦,但是不知道這個Medicine期刊怎麼樣


㈣ 什麼減肥葯好,有用不反彈


㈤ statistics in medicine 怎麼樣


statistics in medicine

㈥ Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine怎麼樣


期刊名 cleveland clinic journal of medicine 出版周期: 月刊 ISSN號:0891-1150
中科院雜志分區 醫學:內科分類下的 2 區期刊

2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度
3.37 3.4 3.773 3.495

㈦ Medicine centre這個葯房怎麼樣

Medicine Centre葯房與多個印度葯品及醫療器材製造商合作。其完善的分銷渠道,為窮人提供了不少的便利。

㈧ 英語作文:吃減肥葯的利弊

Any anti obesity drugs have certain side effects, improper application, not only lose weight is not into, and will make you sick. We will make a brief introction of the commonly used medicine recing weight:
A, an appetite suppressant, these drugs are mainly by inhibiting CNS norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake in 5, excitatory central satiation, satiety, thereby suppressing appetite, increase metabolism, rece weight. The most widely used first by fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine, in recent years as a result of taking the drug after continuous appear serious side effect of valvular heartdisease and pulmonary hypertension and related deaths,have been in the global disable. Replace sb. is the sametype of new drug sibutramine, e to the effect of significant weight loss and in the global promotion, our part of the city is in the trial. Using the object as a BMIgreater than or equal to 28, no other risk factors, ordiabetes risk factors, body mass index greater than or equal to 27 of obese patients. Therapeutic doses of 5 - 15 mg / day. General treatment for 6 months, the weightcan be reced by 5%. Disable the uncontrolled hypertension, coronary heart disease, Nao Zuzhong, liverand renal damage, pregnant and lactating women, etc..Recently the drug because of deaths and concern. Thirdthis kind of medicine is fluoxetine (Prozac). Theantidepressants can effectively alleviate depressionpatient's weight. Doses of 20 - 40 mg / day, morning service. Side effects include headache, insomnia,dizziness, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea etc.. Pregnant and lactating women, and liver, kidney disorders with caution.
Two, the absorption of fat blocker commonly used is OllieXi he. This is a new type of endogenous lipase inhibitorsand nutrient absorption of medicine to rece. By combining with the lipase in the intestinal lumen, prevent food fat is hydrolyzed into free fatty acids can be absorbed and monoacylglycerol play a role, it can from the faeces of 1 / 3 the intake of fat, suitable for variousage groups (including the elderly) weight loss, and for the long-term control, weight maintenance, rece weight rebound. In the diet at the same time also can significantly rece the fasting blood glucose and blood fat. The usual dose is 60 to 120 mg, daily 1 - 3 times, meal service. Theagent is almost not be absorbed in the intestine, so there is no systemic adverse reactions. The main side effects were abdominal pain, steatorrhea, fecal incontinence.Long term use can lead to fat soluble vitamin deficiency.
Three, biguanides can cause loss of appetite, for the treatment of obesity with diabetes mellitus. Commonly used with metformin. The starting dose of 250 mg, 2 times a day, after meals. Then according to the condition of the patient, the maximum dose of 2000 mg / day. The liver,kidney function is not complete person with caution, may have abdominal discomfort, diarrhea gastrointestinal disorders, such as side effect.
Four, the market popular weight loss health medicine orfood is a part of composition is unknown, the mechanism of action is not clear, without formal clinical trials, the effect recing weight is not credible. Some even adddrug ingredients in the following some harmful to human body of contraband.
Thyroxine is this drug in the treatment of hypothyroidism.Normal people after taking, in addition to physical ease,will appear hyperthyroidism symptoms, such as palpitations, Dohan, fast pulse, insomnia, vomiting,diarrhea, fever, etc..
Diuretics such as furosemide, although through a lot ofurination after taking the lead to weight loss, but easy to cause the water and electrolyte disturbance, such as low blood potassium, low blood sodium and nausea, vomiting,diarrhea, dry mouth, fatigue, arrhythmia and other side reactions.
Ephedrine by exciting the central nervous system,accelerate metabolism, reach the effect recing weight,but often insomnia, fever, sweating, thirst, anxiety,headache, palpitation and other side effects.
Various types of laxatives by diarrhea weight loss, oftenresulting in water and electrolyte disturbance, increase the heart load. Besides weight rebound, but also causeadverse reaction of collapse, hypoglycemia etc..
In addition, have joined the disabled by fenfluramine etc..
In view of the above situation, recommend medication to lose weight to pay attention:
1, any weight loss drugs have side effects, do not take.When necessary (not for beauty) should be under the guidance of a doctor, starting from a small doseadministration;
2, the vast majority of overweight and obese people, firstthrough the control diet (especially fat and carbohydrates)and forced exercise to lose weight. Keep half the invalid or serious complications, only add weight loss drugs.
3, do not buy without the approval of the Department of health in any weight loss and health procts.



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